Follows the life of Canadian First Nations boy, Saul Indian Horse, as he survives residential school and life amongst the racism of the 1970s. A talented hockey player, Saul must find his own path as he battles stereotypes and alcoholism.
Director: Stephen S. Campanelli
Writers: Dennis Foon, Richard Wagamese (based on the novel by)
Stars: Sladen Peltier, Forrest Goodluck, Ajuawak Kapashesit
Direct Download Links Here:
Follows the life of Canadian First Nations boy, Saul Indian Horse, as he survives residential school and life amongst the racism of the 1970s. A talented hockey player, Saul must find his own path as he battles stereotypes and alcoholism.
Director: Stephen S. Campanelli
Writers: Dennis Foon, Richard Wagamese (based on the novel by)
Stars: Sladen Peltier, Forrest Goodluck, Ajuawak Kapashesit
Direct Download Links Here:
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